/* This file contains the common styles of this theme. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------ [Table of contents] * Typography.less * Common.less * Extra.less * Header.less * Nav.less * Inner-Header-Title.less * Vertical-Nav.less * menu-full-page.less * Boxed-layout.less * Form.less * Side-Push-Panel.less * Box-Hover-Effect.less * Work-Gallery.less * gallery-isotope.less * Slider.less * Home.less * About.less * Contact.less * Services.less * Shop.less * Blog.less * Shortcode.less * Alerts.less * Buttons.less * Blockquote.less * Clients.less * Countdown.less * Countdown-Timer.less * Dividers.less * Facebook-Disqus-Comments.less * Faqs.less * Flexslider.less * Flip-Box.less * Font-Icons-Style.less * Funfacts.less * Icon-Boxes.less * Infinitescroll.less * Instagram.less * Light-Box.less * Map.less * Pegination.less * Pricing.less * Process-Steps.less * Progress-Bar.less * Promo.less * Section-Title.less * Separators.less * styled-icons.less * Tabs.less * Teams.less * Testimonials.less * Toggles-Accordions.less * Vertical-Timeline.less * Working-Process.less * Widgets.less * Footer * =============================================== */