--- title: Built-in Plugins subTitle: Development nav: docs description: Owl Carousel Documentation sort: 1 tags: - Development --- {{#markdown }} ## Built-in Plugins > Owl Carousel supports plugin modular structure. This means that you can remove plugins that you won’t use or create new ones that fit your needs ### Plugins included Following javascript files are concatenated in distributed owl.carousel.js and owl.carousel.min.js version. If you are looking for individual scripts please visit [Github]({{ pkg.homepage }}) and fork/download the source project ``` src/ └── js/ ├── owl.animate.js ├── owl.autoplay.js ├── owl.autoheight.js ├── owl.carousel.js ├── owl.hash.js ├── owl.lazyload.js ├── owl.navigation.js └── owl.video.js ``` > [See demos of built-in plugins](../demos/demos.html#using-built-in-plugins) ------ Big thanks to [Artus Kolanowski](https://github.com/witrin) for helping me with modular structure and for providing best practice with developing the code. {{!-- ## owl.lazyload.js LazyLoad require `class="owl-lazy"` and link to image inside data: data-src="url_to_img" or/and data-src-retina="url_to_highres_img". There is also option to load images into background but this needs to be tested. [See demo](/demos/demo.html) Usage: ``` $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ lazyLoad:true }); ``` HTML Markup: ``` ``` ## owl.video.js Currently support YouTube, Vimeo, and vzaar videos only. To add video into carousel just put ``. A tag is not mandatory, can be any other tag but `"owl-video"` and href with url link is required. Thumbnails are automaticaly fetched from servers. [See demo](/demos/demo.html) #### Usage: ``` $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ video:true, videoHeight:200, //optional videoWidth: 200 //optional }); ``` #### HTML Markup: ``` ``` ## owl.autoheight.js Adjusts stage height to highest element on viewport. No special HTML markup required. [See demo](/demos/demo.html) #### Usage: ``` $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ autoHeight:true, autoHeightClass: 'owl-height' //default }); ``` ## owl.animate.js Owl Carousel CSS has built-in only fade out transition. To get more fancy looking animations you have to create them yourself in CSS or use fantastic Animate.css library created by Daniel Eden https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ Animate functions works only with one item and only in browsers that support perspective property. To get fade out effect just set `animateOut: 'fadeOut'` #### Default options: ``` animateOut:false; animateIn:false; ``` Read more on demo page. --}} {{/markdown }}